Wednesday, July 22, 2009

West Boulder

Over july 4th weekend me and Rebecca went to the West Boulder drainage (south of Big Timber) and did several hikes. In the first two days we identified nearly 50 flower species (and probably saw another dozen that we couldnt identify) - Here are just a few of the flower pictures and a few others.
Unidentified yellow flowers in front of burned trees.


Wild rose

A great view of west boulder meadow -

An incredible field of flowers.

On Sunday we thought we were in for a short (4-6 miles roundtrip) hike to Elephant head Mountain. We were wrong, 12 miles and 3,000 feet up later we were tired (and didnt actually make it to summit because there was no official trail). Here is a picture from the road - the mountain isnt visible in the pix.

A view of Elephant head Mtn. (supposedly it looks like an elephant head from the other side -???)

Rebecca trying her hand at glisading.

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