Monday, July 13, 2009

Trip through Desolation Canyon

Took a trip in late June on the Green river in central utah through Desolation/Gray Canyons with Rebecca, Todd, Suzanne, Will, Jake Scott, Janice and Connie. This is our first camp - the bug shelter came in very handy the first two nights!!
this rock had a big hole in it .... so of course I had to climb through it.

Rebecca preparing for the storm....

We had a big hailstorm in the middle of the first day -after that the weather was very nice.

We saw some very nice shell fossils (these are something like a mussell shell) in one of the side canyons at our 2nd camp

A cool rock known as mushroom rock

The gang working hard

One of the petroglyph sites we visited.

A pretty sunset.

Prickly pear cactus near a petroglyph site.

Some pretty flowers at our second camp.

Its the desert in summer - who needs a rain jacket (.... or pants ..... or a tent fly).... not Connie. Here is Connie modeling the latest in extreme sports wear!

Connie (without the rain jacket)

The Carsleys (notice they are properly wearing their lifejackets even though the trip leader failed to warn them of the consequences if they didnt)

The Bennats during one of the many calm stretches.

Rebecca and Janice trying their hands in the padillac

Rebecca and Janice in-sync

The Joe Hutch Canyon Rapid was the only big rapid in the canyon. We all made it through fine, but this one boat in another group had some problems as you will see in the next several pictures.

Where did everybody go?

Just seconds after this shot, the boat hit the big rock to the right and dumped all the folks out again (talk about a bad day)

A columbine in Rattlesnake Canyon

The happy group on the last day of the trip


Unknown said...

Hey those photos of Joe Hutch rapid are of my family. I wasn't in the raft, my friend and I hit it in a duckie (and came out much better than the raft...). I think we have video of somebody in your group in that blue duckie. Your photos from downstream are cool, we didn't get any very good ones of the boat smacking the rock at the bottom.
Enjoyed your photos. Great rapid.

Dee Gardiner said...

The photos only tell part of the story. My daughter was walking back up to take her turn and noticed that the two parents in the raft left their PFDs on shore. They were so nervous they forgot them. She screamed out; "Don't you want your life jackets". They bee-lined it back to shore, put on their PFDs, and proceeded to fall out of the raft. Precious memories!