Friday, June 29, 2018

Joan and Sandy's visit

Joan and Sandy came out for a few weeks in the spring - after the cold and before the smoke starts (perfect timing). A group shot in our backyard

Another shot to get the full effect of Ma's outfit - true Montana cowgirl (she's been in Montana nearly 15 years now)

She survived the mosquitos and still kept her appetite when Joan and Sandy took her down to Jackson Wyoming for several days.

Sandy, Jolie and Eric at the top of Mt Helena

We all went to Missoula one Saturday for the farmers market and thrift store shopping (everyone found a treasure). We also tried a new German restaurant in Missoula (Edelweiss Bistro) - excellent beer and German food (great gurkensalat). We didn't get to meet the German owner - Jurgen Knoller - maybe next time.

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