Tuesday, August 15, 2017

Hiking in Glacier

Jolie and I tried to get a backpacking permit in Glacier NP, but they are very competitive so instead we spend 5 days doing day hikes. Our first night we sat on the shore of Lake McDonald and watched the moon rise over the mountains.
We hiked up to Huckleberry Lookout - one of the best views of the park wasnt too good this day due to smoke.  But it lived up to its name, we picked half a gallon of huckleberries in less than an hour (we could have had a gallon if I hadn't eaten so many). Already had some in pancakes - more still in the freezer.

An early morning ride over Going to the Sun Road got us this picture of Logan Pass and Mt Oberlin.

Instead backpacking over gunsight pass we did a out and back 18.4 mile hike to it (or as I like to call it, a death march). This is a view of fireweed, and Gunsight Lake.

At Gunsight Pass there were several Mtn goats hanging around - they dont mind being around humans which makes for easy pictures of them.

View into Gunsight lake (and our boots) from Gunsight Pass

Like I said, the goats are very photogenic

A small waterfall on Reynolds Creek. I only took this picture because I need an excuse to rest with about a mile left in the hike, but it turned out pretty good.

We saw this colorful guy (a Cedar Waxwing) on Marion Lake, a short day hike just outside the parks southern border.

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