Saturday, August 27, 2016

Yellowstone Backpack

Jolie and I did a 5 day backpack trip in Yellowstone from Golden Gate to Fawn Pass trailhead. We also took a day long side trip to Electric Peak shown above - we made it close to the top but it was so windy (and my fear of climbing) that we didn't quite make it. This picture was taken on the first day just before we made a wrong turn and had to hike an extra 6 miles to our first camp (made a short day a loooooong day!)

Our second camp was at Sportsman Lake meadow. This is the lake at sunrise with fog.

This was the view from our camp at Sportsman Lake - Jolie for scale

On our hike out from Sportsmans Lake we found a ton of strawberries - we could have picked them all day. They are small but so sweet and tasty

On the fourth day we saw some recent bear prints in the dirt, and then we came across this!! Looks like grizzly marks, but the sap was dry so we knew he hadn't been sharpening his claws to recently.

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