Saturday, February 15, 2014

Seeley Lake Snowmobiling

Herb and I decided to tick one thing off the bucket list - we went up to Seeley Lake and rented snowmobiles. We went about 50 miles in the trails around Seeley.  Herb got as fast as 60 mph, I was only comfortable up to 50 mph.  Definately a blast to try, but no reason to do it again :)

Here is Herb at one of the view spots on the trail. Was in the 30's so very comfortable with mulitple layers on.  Notice how Herbs snow mobile is upright and looking very tame - it wasnt always that way.  That Bronco threw herb off three times - he even got it to roll over one time (sorry - I forgot to get pictures of that).  No injuries - to the Herb and more importantly the machine (you break it - you bought it)

Herb decided he wants to trade in the Jeep for this much badder toy!!

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