Tuesday, November 16, 2010


I went to st. augustine Florida for a week in early November. Had great weather and did lots of beach walks. When I woke up the first morning and had coffee on the rooftop deck this was the sunrise that greeted me.... nice!
Man o War jellyfish on the beach - this one was about a foot across.

Some BIIIIG scary spiders on the trails.

Another good sunrise.

This is a reddish heron fishing. I didnt get him with a fish in his mouth, but got him in his dance trying to scare one up. When he got one he looked pretty happy.

I didnt know that insects knew anything about piggy-back rides!

Some wind patterns in the beach sand.

Sea oats at sunrise with an impending storm

Pelicans diving for fish in the ocean.

A cool old door in st. augustine.

Sunrise on the st. augustine pier (i didnt do such a good photoshop job on this one, but is still pretty)

Sunrise on the newly refurbished drawbridge in st. augustine - Flagler college in the background (originally a very high end hotel in the 1800's)

Castillo de San Marcos - the citys fort in the middle of St. Augustine - it is made from a rock called coquina which is just ocean shells cemented together - it was the best rock against cannon balls in its day.

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