Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Erics trip to Mt. Rainier

I took a work trip to Portland and stopped at Mt. Rainier on the way. Four days in the park with only one sunny day - thats the day I hiked up part way to the top. And I was the only person wearing shorts that day (the sun kept my legs warm!)
Here is a good picture of the Mt. rainier with a bunch of guys starting their climb to the top (the top is over 14,000 feet) - I think the climb is typically done over 2 or 3 days.

I was taking pictures of the huckleberry bushes when I turn around and here is this 2-3 year old black bear walking about 50 feet from me (notice the blonde hair on his back). Actually I dont know if it was a girl or a boy - I didnt get THAT close

Here he is again eating some huckleberries

Saw lots of waterfalls - this is a small one along the Wonderland Trail

The colors were just starting to change

1 comment:

Lindsay said...

Eric, like always, beautiful photographs! The bear is amazing, and I didn't know Jen and Eric moved to such a great place. Now I'm jealous, I think we are going to have to go visit