Sunday, June 1, 2008

Craters of the Moon National Monument

Me and Ma on top of North Crater (an illegal hike, but we dodged the cops -- I wasnt worried, I'm faster than her.)
One of the prettier flowers we saw in the park

I convinced Ma to go into the biggest cave in the park -- she wouldnt go into any of the small tunnels, but this one had plenty of head room.

This is no ordinary cave. It has skylights and stairs.

She may be smiling, but its just hiding the fear as she slides and climbs out of the cave.

Ma survived the caves, and as the saying goes... whatever doesnt kill you makes you stronger! You can see how strong it has made her.

1 comment:

Lindsay said...

I love the pictures of your mom- she looks like so much fun- I love that she went hiking with you. It's probably the most fun thing in the whole world